the Australain Magazine which is good for the diary and Articles on everything from diecast and aircraft
mix and match, But General Modelling good for us Aussies as mostly Australin Content and adverts. Newest items the 1988 Tamiya Catologue and New Esci kits for '89
We are a bit behind Ha Ha:

Scale military Modeller from the U.K good reviews and quick two three page articles and series
on say Airfix and Modern vechiles sponsered by Revell etc, missed a few copies lately went to get the issue last back from news agents and the erratic supply and the Icelandic Volcanoe thing has been disruptive on supply:

Fine Scale Modeler from the U.S.A been getting this about 5 years:

Tamiya Model Magazine International (U.K)
seen this around for years, but only again about four years ago:

And the offshoot Model Military International which i rate about no 2 or 3 in the world
see Military in scale to see why but lost me a little when the aircraft were seperated to a new title hence this Model Military were already doing mostly vechiles:

no one# Military Modelling first got this one in 1982 and I was about 13 - 14
Napolenic British Infantry on the cover. off and on for years
But last five years into it and haven't missed a copy 15 a year
Subscription on the way boys (well my payment):

Military Modelcraft International (U.k) Not bad but seem to go to much into topic based
issues which can be off putting for say the Spanish Civil War.
But still get every issue i can, tend to be a bit erratic down under seems to have dissapeared altogether:

Military in Scale No 2 or 3 again last four years ain't missed one
and just started a two year Subscription got two already and still catching up as had to buy the three month wait ones in the meantime:

And have caught up now