Saturday, June 26, 2010

Magazines for Hobby and research part.4

And the last in the series Until something new pops up

Military illustrated if there is something worth looking up
But a great magazine, again it is a time issue as at present am so busy have magazines piling up to the roof unread

Military machines good for vechile shots for Modelling
get this when i can but more of a money and time issue as you can only do so much reading
But should keep getting this a a reference to certain vechiles.

And the Old Command Magazine
Still have them should PDF them and source out other copies can still get books of the back articles

so if you indeed would have some old copies for sale or to PDF etc!!!

Cannot remember the Subscription site with all the History and Military articles either?

Friday, June 25, 2010

Magazines for Hobby and research part.3

Military history and such mostly world war two:

three from Weider History Network


Armchair General:

Military History:

And 2 from :

The Newish World at War
which is mostly on the Second World War or events effects pre and post

The old Stategy and tactics

The Great "Britain at War" all about the British empire in the last few wars more on the last 100 years with the main bit on the Great war "The war to end all wars" and the next one WW2
This is a great read and still has some fresh ideas and articles

Armourer Bi Monthly all about collecting Militaria with some great Historical analysis and period pieces, got onto this for pricing about three years ago and still buying it:

And After the Battle good then a and stuff more good reference and History:

and WWII History: (10 years now) from Military Heritage
and six or seven issues a year per volume:

The next or Last part will Magazines that i sometimes buy as just don't have that much time to read and model and live

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Some work In Progress

Wargames Factory British firing Line ready to build

My Free with Miniature Wargames Perry Riflemen I now have three boxes of Perry The Great Man from War and Peace Games did me a nice deal, But no Hussars left, or Heavy Cavalry, I will leave it there as will be in a blog some time soon .

Roden Sprues for 233, 232, 234 etc, i have built these up now

A roden sprue for the Sd.Kfz 234/3 7.5cm L24 kit (707)

And the One of the Trumpeter SturmTigers which is also now built or near completion.

Monday, June 14, 2010

more books

been looking for this one on the net and bookstores hard to track down: but very good artwork mainly 1945 around Berlin 251s, Stugs, PzIV + Vs etc, No Hetzer altough
good painting ideas and a run down on battle strength in the East will try to get other books
from them.

add There is a Great idea's section flowing through here on fully enclosed shurtzen etc on Stugs and the Mesh skirts and the enclosement on latter Panzer IVs

And another book from the Elite Attack forces this time 5th Gebrigsjager Division and the Famous (infamous) Brandenbugers. good 190 page half/half on each subject with web sites (wether they still are effective but a lead in anyhow)
These books are well worth it and will do some research as to other titles....

........And the proof turret shutzen on a Panzer IV with Zimmeritt one clear photo

some work in progress

Wargames Factory British firing Line ready to build

My Free with Miniature Wargames Perry Riflemen I now have three boxes of Perry The Great Man from War and Peace Games did me a nice deal, But no Hussars left, or Heavy Cavalry, I will leave it there as will be in a blog some time soon .

Roden Sprues for 233, 232, 234 etc, i have built these up now

A roden sprue for the Sd.Kfz 234/3 7.5cm L24 kit (707)

And the One of the Trumpeter SturmTigers which is also now built or near completion.

Friday, June 11, 2010


ansand the second in the the series of box to finished

The DML b0x for 6154

spues and in undercoat:

And painted up ready to glue

Which they are doing the heads in the 1000 of things i have in progress!.

cheers from Karcuss

Thursday, June 10, 2010


first in a series of Dragon Figures boxes to finished article

The box, the sprue, in undercoat, and then painted up almost ready to go and build:

The figures in progress next probably amalgamated with 6154 set

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Some discounted books again


Found these two gems as i went to get some Static grass on Sunday less than $30 the pair
went on the authors and are in two parts each:

all WW2 relevant witha bit more on Rangers

21 st Panzer Division and the British &th Armoured Division in Desert Adversaries
mainly focused on the Desert but a bit of Before and after as well

and Commandoes and U.S rangers In Allied Special Forces

Lots of Tables and maps etc

sorry about this last page but only a review

cheers Karcuss

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Magazines for Hobby and research part.2

Wargames Magazines

these are the Magazines I obtain for Wargaming

Miniature Wargames:
been getting this since i can't remember but waiting for PDF volumes of all the back issues to 300, was going down hill but now a companion it seems to see below

Wargames illustrated:
getting better and better well worth this and some of my Model mags

Wargames Soldiers and Strategy:

New to English print??? But the last issue was on crap paper and/or badly printed so did not buy
But an extremely good Magazine from Spain only have five issues but if the Newsagent has it will buy except for the mentioned issue

DML 6006 Cross Of Iron The Sprue


both boxes 6006 and 6171

The DML Cross of Iron box as a box as is and the redone later version with the 10th Anniversary sprue

Weapons and 10th Anniversary sprues:

DML 6006:

box, the sprue, undercoated and painted up ready to go:t

The next Blog on this will be two boxes as is and some conversions.
See what Happens

cheers karcuss

Monday, June 7, 2010

Magazines for Hobby and research part.1


the Australain Magazine which is good for the diary and Articles on everything from diecast and aircraft
mix and match, But General Modelling good for us Aussies as mostly Australin Content and adverts. Newest items the 1988 Tamiya Catologue and New Esci kits for '89
We are a bit behind Ha Ha:

Scale military Modeller from the U.K good reviews and quick two three page articles and series
on say Airfix and Modern vechiles sponsered by Revell etc, missed a few copies lately went to get the issue last back from news agents and the erratic supply and the Icelandic Volcanoe thing has been disruptive on supply:

Fine Scale Modeler from the U.S.A been getting this about 5 years:

Tamiya Model Magazine International (U.K)
seen this around for years, but only again about four years ago:

And the offshoot Model Military International which i rate about no 2 or 3 in the world
see Military in scale to see why but lost me a little when the aircraft were seperated to a new title hence this Model Military were already doing mostly vechiles:

no one# Military Modelling first got this one in 1982 and I was about 13 - 14
Napolenic British Infantry on the cover. off and on for years
But last five years into it and haven't missed a copy 15 a year
Subscription on the way boys (well my payment):

Military Modelcraft International (U.k) Not bad but seem to go to much into topic based
issues which can be off putting for say the Spanish Civil War.
But still get every issue i can, tend to be a bit erratic down under seems to have dissapeared altogether:

Military in Scale No 2 or 3 again last four years ain't missed one
and just started a two year Subscription got two already and still catching up as had to buy the three month wait ones in the meantime:
And have caught up now