More and More of my Michael Reynolds
Half the marked Price why not for $7.50
And on the List so at $6 bucks, Find Out more of the D-Day Resistance by SOE
Again for $10 bucks Unfortunately the That the Two shops within walking distance shut down One was just a Temporary rental Shop, But they always seem to do 50% SALES . there are still Several left in the CBD etc
But a Good reference from Amber books One In A series of Fighting Techniques books, Fighting Ships, Napoleonic etc
More of the Osprey WWII reprints (re packaged(er Licenced)) Up to 39 of 52
Exactly the Same as the Osprey Campaign But Hard Bound, Good Basic reference as a Start The Pacific titles I might not have bought But grounding into Tarawa, Pelilu etc for Future Wargaming
And this Takes the Prize (The Cake) It was $10 in the End and wish i had of bought the Pile of them
as there is not Much that isn't in here, Divisional Write Ups, Order of Battle for certain campaigns
Aircraft types amount Built, Ships , Prime Ministers and Presidents of the 1914 -18, Employment rates, GNP
etc etc
If you see this Buy this and If I get around to Buying the World War II Databook (On the List!)
Same Authors Ellis and Cook..
Just full of Tables which seem to be Fairly well researched